About US

Our mission

ASIAN RESEARCH RESEARCH SMO is bridging the clinical researchers gap by connecting researchers to millions of Indians eligible for these studies. Through a direct-to-patient approach our goal, is to decentralize clinical trials through a unified platform.

Our Vision

Putting our clients first. ASIAN RESEARCH RESEARCH SMO is building the blueprint for its end to end, first of its kind, decentralized platform for running clinical research with a specific focus on the Indian Continent. We are building highly study-specific and very flexible solutions that allow sponsors to find the right participants, sites, and primary investigators so that they can run fully remote, or hybrid, clinical research studies. We're on a mission to decentralize access to clinical research by diversifying participant cohorts and shortening drug development timelines. We're doing this by providing access to Indian participants, private investigators, and sites.

Why Choose Us?

Our Indian clinical trial expertise includes:

Understanding the research process as it relates to India (including protocol development, informed consent and decentralized clinical trials) Expertise in site and vendor management (including site networks, central labs, Interactive Voice/Web Response Systems (IxRS), eCRFs, pricing, research, and therapeutic expertise of site staff) Knowledge of regulatory affairs (including regulatory body and ethical committee requirements in multiple Indian states.


What we do

Clinical Trial Site Management in India

Effective clinical trial site management leads to high-quality research outcomes. A clinical site with appropriately-qualified investigators & site staff is paramount for a successful clinical study. ASIAN RESEARCH RESEARCH understands the importance of successful clinical trial management and specializes in its provision throughout our Indian site network.

Clinical Research Site Selection Criteria and Process

Our site selection process is rigorous and dependent on the type of research you’re conducting. Here’s part of the checklist we use to evaluate potential research sites for our partners.

ASIAN RESEARCH RESEARCH SMO has the necessary experience and expertise to select the most appropriate site for your study. Our rigorous PI and site selection processes are based on deep knowledge of the African terrain, including our network of PIs, & sites and the African patient population.

Our Services

We Solve Clinical Trial Recruitment Challenges

Patient access, recruitment, engagement and retention pose significant clinical research challenges. We help you solve these with access to patient populations across India and best-in-class recruitment and patient retention strategies.

Clinical Trial Site Feasibility

Site feasibility is the process of evaluating whether a particular site is equipped to conduct a clinical trial or study. The following criteria must be determined to assess site feasibility for the study: the qualification & experience (including the presence of an updated GCP certificate) of the site staff, the availability of site resources (time, site staff & infrastructure & suitable equipment) and the motivation of site staff. Budgetary considerations and study timelines must also be considered.

Clinical Trial Site Selection

Research site selection is the process by which a site is selected based on its possession of pre-determined site selection criteria. ASIAN RESEARCH RESEARCH identifies an array of sites that are a good fit for your clinical study needs and arranges pre-study site selection visits to further evaluate the competencies of the site. Once a site has been chosen, ethical submissions and site contracts can be implemented.



Clinical Site Initiation & Activation

Once ethical approval has been obtained and contracts signed, it is necessary to prepare the site for activation. The (electronic) Case Report Forms, Informed Consent Form, Investigational Product or medical device (if applicable) must be present at site prior to initiation. At site initiation, all site staff involved

in the study are trained on the study protocol and logistics, questions are answered, and all CVs of all site staff, including the pharmacist and laboratory

personnel are collected. After the site initiation visit, the site is declared activated and open for recruitment.

Clinical Trial Monitoring

Once the clinical trial starts, trial monitoring ensures subject safety and data quality. By overseeing every step of a clinical trial process, we ensure that it’s being conducted, recorded, and reported in complete accordance with the clinical trial protocol.

Clinical Trial Site Training

Site training is an integral part of integral site management. It occurs at site initiation and throughout the entire duration of the trial. Site training ensures site staff are conversant with the protocol, thereby reducing the potential for errors and protocol deviations.

contact us



Office Address


Plot No 424,

Asbestos colony,

Beside industrial Area,

Kukatpally 500037 .


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